वर्ग पहिला
Aboli Maharwade's camera follows a mischievous little boy as he goes about his school day and captures the difference a 'no school bag day' can make to the lives of students.
Looking at the weight of school bags and the burden this puts on children, the state government in Maharashtra has introduced 'No School Bag Day' every Saturday. This year the programme reached the rural area of Gondia district in Vidarbha.
The programme is meant to motivate the children to attend school regularly by freeing them from the burden of a heavy school bag once a week, thus also giving them time off from their studies to have fun.
The various activities, such as exercises, story writing, quizzes, singing, and playing, conducted on this day also aim to help their physical and social development.
I followed 5-year-old Tejasva Dhamgaye, who studies in standard one, with my camera to see the difference between his regular day at school and 'no school bag day' and to explore what the kids do differently on both days. He is the mischievous kid who annoys his teacher, doesn't like studying, but shows up every day for class, and likes to tease his friends and play with them.
The best part about coming to school is meeting friends and playing with them.
Tejaswa gets distracted and eats lunch sneakily during class and of course, he does not know what his teacher has been teaching.
Tejaswa finds his own way to have fun by drawing in Maths class!
On Saturday--no school bag day--all the students sit together outside the classroom for attendance before they start one of the many activities for the day.
Tejaswa style yoga!!
Learning concentration with bottle games instead of books.
Fights make friendships stronger?
The saying on the bottle captures Tejaswa's true essence.
Everyday should be no school bag day!