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A Paradigm Shift



SCM stands for Social Communications Media, but for us SCMites it has another meaning—“Something Changed Me.” We knew we would change as people, and our skills would change, but we also changed in ways we never thought we would while pursuing a course. “We are all biased in one way or another, it would be easier to change if we accept it,” said Jerry Pinto in one of his lectures, words which we will always remember. And we remember Natasha Desai religiously teaching us about ‘gaze’ in images and in life, Nirmita Gupta telling us to be cautious of the words we use, reminding us, “There’s nothing wrong with calling the people who work for you domestic workers. Why would you call them for help and take their work away from them?” The way we see and the way we think has changed radically and irreversibly.


“I’ve finally learned to say no and speak for myself,” says Aboli, one of our classmates, while speaking about how SCM has helped her draw her personal boundaries and overcome her inhibitions. Manavi says she has learned to see and accept reality, "SCM has given me an extra eye to see different perspectives.” SCM has forced many of us out of our comfort zone and made us more resilient. ''I was forced to explore things I would’ve shied away from, and this has made me aware of my own capabilities,” says Laaya. “I’ve become more confident and open to trying things out of my comfort zone,” says Naysha. For Allen resilience was his biggest takeaway from SCM, “I know that now nothing that the future holds can rattle, scare or, get to me.”  

All of us have explored new things, become accepting of new beliefs and perspectives, and simultaneously, we have become brave enough to put our own ideas out in the world and stand for them. Here’s all of that compiled: unapologetic, thoughtful, maybe biased, but with a hope of change.

Come along as we explore art, films, emotions, friendships, media, books, food, and spaces uniquely.


The Editorial Team:

Radhika Agarwal

Shruti Gokarn



Visual Editors:

Aboli Maharwade

Prerona Saikia



Laaya Lobo


Photograph by Prerona Saikia




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